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O'Connor WA

Your electoral candidates

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Tracy Tirronen - Candidate for OConnor

Tracy Tirronen

United Australia Party

House of Reps

Michelle Kinsella - IMOP - WA Senate Candidate

Michelle Kinsella

IMO Party


Samantha Vinci - GAP - WA Senate Candidate

Samantha Vinci

Great Australian Party


Rod Culleton - GAP - WA Senate Candidate

Rod Culleton

Great Australian Party


Isaac Middle - Candidate for O'Connor

Isaac Middle

Australian Federation Party

House of Reps

Judy Wilyman - AFP - WA Senate Candidate

Judy Wilyman

Australian Federation Party


Leanne Barrett - AFP - WA Senate Candidate

Leanne Barrett

Australian Federation Party


Rebecca Pizzey - AVP - WA Senate Candidate

Rebecca Pizzey

Australian Values Party


Brenden Barber - Candidate for O'Connor

Brenden Barber

Great Australian Party

House of Reps

Electorate Information

State/Territory: Western Australia

Date Name & Boundary Gazetted: 02 August 2021

First Election This Name Was Used At1980 Federal Election

First Election This Boundary Was Used At: First Federal Election Following The 2019 Federal Election

Name Derivation: Named In Honour Of Charles Yelverton O'Connor, 1843–1902. In 1891, O'Connor Became Western Australia's Engineer-In-Chief And Was Responsible For Designing Fremantle Harbour And The Pipeline Which Supplies Kalgoorlie And Other Goldfields With Water.

Square Area: 1, 126, 937 Sq Km

Location Description: The Division Of O'Connor Consists Of: Albany City Council, Beverley Shire Council, Boddington Shire Council, Boyup Brook Shire Council, Bridgetown-Greenbushes Shire Council, Brookton Shire Council, Broomehill-Tambellup Shire Council, Bruce Rock Shire Council, Collie Shire Council, Coolgardie Shire Council, Corrigin Shire Council, Cranbrook Shire Council, Cuballing Shire Council, Cunderdin Shire Council, Denmark Shire Council, Dumbleyung Shire Council, Dundas Shire Council, Esperance Shire Council, Gnowangerup Shire Council, Jerramungup Shire Council, Kalgoorlie-Boulder City Council, Katanning Shire Council, Kellerberrin Shire Council, Kent Shire Council, Kojonup Shire Council, Kondinin Shire Council, Koorda Shire Council, Kulin Shire Council, Lake Grace Shire Council, Laverton Shire Council, Leonora Shire Council, Manjimup Shire Council, Menzies Shire Council, Merredin Shire Council, Mount Marshall Shire Council, Mukinbudin Shire Council, Nannup Shire Council, Narembeen Shire Council, Narrogin Shire Council, Ngaanyatjarraku Shire Council, Nungarin Shire Council, Pingelly Shire Council, Plantagenet Shire Council, Quairading Shire Council, Ravensthorpe Shire Council, Tammin Shire Council, Trayning Shire Council, Wagin Shire Council, Wandering Shire Council, West Arthur Shire Council, Westonia Shire Council, Wickepin Shire Council, Williams Shire Council, Wiluna Shire Council, Woodanilling Shire Council, Wyalkatchem Shire Council, And Yilgarn Shire Council.

Demographic Rating: Rural – Outside Capital Cities And Without Majority Of Enrolment In Major Provincial Cities.

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