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Steve Dickson

Grouped Independents for Senate

Hi my name is Steve Dickson I have been passionate about making a difference in politics since the year 2000. I've been, a business man, a councilor a state MP , a minister in the QLD government and an Author.

Rebecca Lloyd & Steve Dickson - Grouped Independents for Senate

Q. What local issues are you focusing on?

A. Cheap energy, build a hybrid of the Bradfield scheme to drought proof QLD, Tax multinationals, make sure every Australian has a place to live, hold a royal commission into the response to Covid, reform the NDIS, help returned service men and women.  

Q. Write one sentence about how the cost of living is crushing families.

A. The cost of housing, fuel and food are out of control. 

Q. How can the government be more transparent?

A. Put them all on polygraph machines/ lie detectors.

Q. What do you have to say about how the major parties have failed Australia?

A. They (both major parties)have failed all Australians over the past decades, debt is out of control, also inflation, the price of fuel is unaffordable as food is becoming a luxury.

We as a country have been let down, lied to, been treaded like we are living under a totalitarian Governments rule.

It’s definitely time for change, without change expect more of the same..

Q.  How has the government betrayed Australia?

A. Involving the Australian people in war/ segregation/ no jab no job, out of control inflation, housing costs, food prices.

Q.  Why should local voters vote for you?

A. Because I have a wealth of experience working within local, state and federal governments. I will make decisions based on honesty and integrity, always putting the people who elected me first. I am not a member of a political party, which leave me free to represent you the people first and foremost.

I understand legislation, I will not be manipulated by bureaucrats who indirectly run the government of the day. I owe know favours to unions or the big end of town. I absolutely understand how difficult it is for many Australians today to make ends meet. We need people in Canberra who have compassion understand finances, that are capable arguing for better outcomes for all Australians.

Q.  What will your local community look like, when you are voted in?

A. QLD will be a manufacturing capital of Australia. It will also be drought proofed by the construction of a hybrid of the Bradfield scheme. Energy will be cheaper, intern creating jobs for all Queenslanders.

Written and Authorised by Steve Dickson 9 Tyler Road Mons 4556, QLD.

Contact Steve

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0411330772

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